Disengagement in the Austrian probation service
Spiros Papadopoulos of NEUSTART with insights of the work of the Austrian probation service and what it learned from the terror attack in Vienna. Spiros is member of the EUTEx team and has been working with the Austrian probation service NEUSTART since 2016. He is specialized in caring for released offenders sentenced due to terrorism-related offenses.

European prisons facing violent extremism: current deficits in professional training
Álvaro Vicente on the lack of training for professional prison staff in Europe dealing with violent extremists and what can be done to improve the situation. Álvaro is Work Package Leader 3 in EUTEx and analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute in Spain. He focuses on the management of jihadist extremism in Spanish prisons, the implementation of innovative trainings in prisons and the design of specialised training programmes for prison and probation staff.
Effectively assessing the risk of radicalisation
An overview of current limitations and key future steps
Margarida Damas on how to counter current limitations of radicalisation risk assessment tools and the importance of training. Margarida is a Junior Consultant and Researcher at IPS (Innovative Prison Systems) under the Radicalisation, Violent Extremism and Organised Crime portfolio. She focuses on the communitarian prevention of radicalisation and social inclusion and integration of socially vulnerable groups.

Successfully reintegrating violent extremist offenders: the role of vocational training for VEOs
Romario Shehu of EUTEx consortium member IDM Albania provides his view on the importance of vocational training offered to terrorists and violent extremist offenders in prison for their successful reintegration into society. Romario's research work centers on violent extremism, organized crime, and foreign policy. He holds an MSc in International Relations and a BA in Political Science and International Relation.
Treating mental health in the fight against radicalization: from trauma to transformation rom
EUTEx team member Guillaume Monod discusses the critical relationship between mental health and radicalization in the context of violent extremism. And why tailored therapeutic interventions are crucial in the disengagement process. Guillaume is a psychiatrist, pedopsychiatrist and holds a PhD in philosophy. After working for twelve years with juvenile offenders, his research focuses on mental health, violent crime, radicalization, and rehabilitation of former offenders.

Inside European Exit work: key principles and practices
Understanding Extremist Reintegration: Principles, Practices, and Challenges in Disengagement. Gain insights into European Exit work, as EUTEx team member and Director of Swedish NGO Transform, Robert Örell, explores effective rehabilitation methods for successful reintegration of individuals involved in extremism and terrorism. Discover strategies to combat radicalization and foster societal reintegration.